Since 1963 Condor Inox has been a world leader in the processing and treatment of stainless steel and metal surfaces.
Company Milch-Technik 2005
Milch-Technik 2005 company, founded in 1994, is located in Kaposvár, a city southwest of Hungary.
One of the sectors of dairy technology in which Condor has strongly developed, enhancing the mechanization of activities, is the one of tools for milk coagulation and curd processing.
Condor was present at the Fieragricola in Verona, the international exhibition of mechanics, services and products for agriculture and animal husbandry, from Wednesday 2 to Saturday 6 March 2022.
The well-being and health of calves are priority elements for the positive productivity trend of a farm. While in the plains the organization and management of animals is quite easy, in the mountains everything is more complex.
Pasteurizing milk means implementing a process of thermal remediation of milk, essential both for the healthy diet of calves and for saving the user's resources: raising healthy calves means obtaining high gains.
Increasing agricultural productivity: this has always been the main objective of our company, Condor S.r.l. Aware that the agricultural sector has progressively structured itself, focusing more and more on multifunction mechanics and the rationalization of business management, we have never stopped, over the years, looking for solutions that would optimize the work of farms.
Condor, after specializing in the construction of milk transport bins, first in aluminum and then in stainless steel, accessories for dairies, buckets and lids for milking machines, terminal vessels, sanitary pots and stainless steel components for milking salt in cattle breeding, has greatly expanded the range of its products in recent years.