SPACE Rennes 2022 - Agricultural fair for all livestock operators

SPACE is an International Fair, which is held every year at the Parc des Expositions in Rennes in France and, for those like Condor who are attentive to the trend in the panorama of exhibitions in the Agriculture and Livestock Sector, it represented a unique opportunity.

SPACE Rennes 2022

SPACE Rennes 2022 is an impressive agricultural fair that brought together all international operators in the cattle (dairy and cattle), poultry, pigs, rabbits, sheep, goats and fish farming sectors with a complete offer of feed and nutrition products, genetics , animal health, milking, treatment of milk, livestock and organic production.

The fair took place from 09.13.2022 to 09.15.2022 Condor S.r.L., present in Hall 11 Corridor A Stand A02a, were proud to be among the 1,500 international exhibitors, sure of being admired by more than 100,000 visitors from every part of the planet!

Our machines presented at SPACE Rennes 2022

Our products have been appreciated by all our customers for their extraordinary characteristics, for production with respect for the environment, consideration of soils and climate change, animal welfare, working conditions and for the very high quality of the productions.

In Rennes we presented some of our flagships:

Polyvalents for dairy products

Today we would like to tell you about our Polyvalents, extraordinary machines, with capacities from 50 L to 1000 L, created for the thermal transformation of milk into dairy products such as yogurt, ricotta, seasoned, robiole, stracchino, erborinati, caciotte,etc.

All our visitors have admired and appreciated them: the Made in Italy High Quality, the Estimate service, the Consulting and Design service, the Education and Training service, the Maintenance and Management service and finally the Transport and Delivery!

The Polyvalents, we recall, allow the processing of milk, with thermal variations ranging from 4°C to 100°C, thanks to electric, gas and steam heating, thus generating cheeses of different types.

Multi-purpose tanks in stainless steel

Our multi-purpose tanks are designed in compliance with international standards and the latest achievements in the dairy sector: in fact, we have moved from the ancient open copper boilers to closed stainless steel ones, more hygienic and suitable for producing the curd and curd, mechanically and automatically.

Our multipurpose, strictly M.O.C.A. (Materials and Objects in Contact with Food), consists of a tank with insulated and electropolished wall, totally in AISI 304L stainless steel, which can be fixed or tiltable (on the ground, liftable and cradle), single or double and with platform and operator mezzanine; It will win you over with its sturdiness, flexibility, completeness and ease of use, precisely because it pasteurises, refrigerates, ages and cooks, ensuring absolute goodness and sanity in the production (whose phases will all be documentable thanks to the various cycles recording system).

How our Mini polyvalent (cheese kettle) tanks work

Its operation is simple: the milk is loaded into the tank, the processing cycle is selected on the display with digital or analogical control, the milk is transformed into the selected product and the product is stored or extracted.

Thanks to our polyvalents and its "programs", therefore, a perfectly elaborated product is obtained, for accurate cutting, for the homogeneous distribution of the curd grains and for the reduction of the presence of defects and waste in the final product.

Condor plants, therefore, in addition to offering the maximum guarantee of safety and reliability, blend the benefits of dairy technology with the love of craftsmanship in a single body, always creating products configured to perfectly match the needs of its customers.

Il suo funzionamento è semplice: si carica il latte all’interno della vasca, si selezione il ciclo di lavorazione sul display con comando digitale o analogico, si trasforma il latte nel prodotto selezionato e si conserva o si estrae il prodotto.

Grazie alle nostre polivalenti e ai suoi “programmi” si ottiene, dunque, un prodotto perfettamente elaborato, per il taglio accurato, per la distribuzione omogenea dei grani di cagliata e per la riduzione della presenza di difetti e scarti nel prodotto finale.

Gli impianti Condor, dunque, oltre ad offrire massima garanzia di sicurezza ed affidabilità, fondono in un unico corpo i benefici della tecnologia casearia con l’amore per il lavoro artigianale, realizzando sempre dei prodotti configurati per essere perfettamente corrispondenti alle necessità dei suoi Clienti.

Characteristics and functioning of the polyvalents

  • System built entirely in AISI 304L stainless steel
  • Versatile usable for the production of multiple types of cheese, hard, soft and more
  • Electrical system with computerized system for managing all the functions and phases of the working process
  • Special milk inlet suitable to avoid the formation of foam
  • Electric or gas or steam heating/cooling system
  • Separate heating/cooling system for bottom and walls
  • Programmability of the cutting and the stirrer for an efficient treatment of the curd (type and speed)
  • Mixer with bayonet connection for easy removal and replacement with lyre or spin